5 Steps for overcoming Mum Guilt

Well all know that nagging feeling of spending time at work wishing we were at home with the kids, and then subsequently being at home with the kids thinking “I really must get back to all of the things I need to get done for work”!

There’s nothing worse than that to-and-fro feeling that you’re not giving enough to any aspects of your existence; like you just can’t win no matter how hard you try. It’s called Mum Guilt and we all experience it… but we don’t have to.

It is possible to:

  • Regain control of your week… and your life!

  • Remove the feelings of guilt, stress and chaos that are weighing on you.

  • Create and action a weekly schedule that brings you joy.

  • Find time for the things that matter to you most. 

Three children later and I now have a solid checklist of 5 things I revisit every time I feel that Mum Guilt creeping up on me. 

  1. Track your time. (You’re spending more time with your kids than you think!)

  2. Plan your time. (Create an ideal week worth getting out of bed for.)

  3. Make the little things special. (Family breakfast can be just as special as family dinner.)

  4. Have love rituals. (Do things on a weekly basis that will create good memories.)

  5. Cut yourself some slack. (You’re doing better than you think!)

I’ve done a deeper dive into each of these 5 steps and created a free download you can sign up to receive. It includes a time tracking template to get you started with knowing where your time is going and how you can better align your days with your priorities. 

I find each of these 5 steps to be simple and effective, and I hope they can help rid you of Mum Guilt the way they do for me!

If the thought of making more time for yourself brings on even more Mum Guilt, I want you to think about it as modelling for your children what you want for them. As Glennon Doyle says in her fabulous book, Untamed: Motherhood is about modeling. Not martyring. 

My 5 recommendations of resources to get you started!

Mum Guilt Be Gone!

Speaking of which, I’ll be running my signature Time Management Program, Guilt Be Gone, in early January to get us all set up for the New Year. I’m running it over 2 nights, January 12 and 13, with a limited enrollment of 12 people. Registration is now open!

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