Make your head a nice place to live

A good friend once said to me "Do whatever it takes to make your head a really nice place to live." (Shout out to Luke Mills.)

I didn't really understand it at the time, but the older that I've got and the more I've grown and the more that I see my kids growing, I find that to be so relevant and so important because some days your head can in fact be a really hard place to live in! 

But the idea about defining your own version of success (and why I’m so passionate about this topic) is that it enables you to ensure your head is, indeed, a really nice place to live the majority of the time. 

It all sounds really simple, but unless we're thinking about it consciously, making really good choices and putting together really nice habits, it's hard to be able to sustain that encouraging frame of mind for a long period of time. 

I wanted to share with you two great conversations I’ve had on this topic while interviewing guests on the Miss Bossy Boots Podcast. Hopefully these can help.

How we know when we are enough - Allison Garison: Allison Garison helps females understand that they are enough. They are a good mum. They can do hard things. They are good at business and it's OK to want to be successful.

Creating your ideal life with structure & good habits - Nina Christian: Nina Christian runs a successful Melbourne-based marketing agency; Bravedo. She Chairs the Victorian committee of the Australian Marketing Institute and has five school-aged children. Oh, and she only works 15 hours a week! How does she fit all of that in 15 hours a week? Incredible planning, structure, delegating and discipline.