The power of intentions

I had a total pinch me moment this month when a goal I’d set for myself back in 2018 actually came to fruition. (You can catch the story about it in this podcast episode.)

When I achieved this goal, I realised the reason it was so satisfying was because I’d written it down — pen and paper style — when I first dreamt it up and I’d made it part of my clarify manifesto and an affirmation that I said to myself regularly for the past 4 YEARS. 

Sure, it took years and a lot of hard work to achieve. It wasn’t just something that I put on my vision board, clicked my fingers and it happened. But the satisfaction was so much greater because I’d looked at that goal in black and white, almost every day and I could finally grab my pen and cross it off the list. 

It got me thinking, if you are growing and building a business and aspiring to have more time for yourself or to create a particular lifestyle you desire, today is the perfect day to start manifesting that! 

Often we just get on the hamster wheel and are so focussed on getting everything done, being a great mum, a great partner, a great boss and all of these things, that we don't actually stop and take a moment to really set our intention for what we want to achieve in the future. It can be as big as “travel the world and speak from stage” or closer to home like “have more one-on-one time with my children and spouse”. 

The point is, unless you write these things down and set the intention to make them happen… time will just pass you by. You’ll never get to stop and experience the realisation—and sense of accomplishment—that something you really wanted you actually achieved. 

So I’d love you to try something. Can you think of 1 - 3 things you’d like to achieve in the next couple of years and write them down. Be specific! Also, it's not enough to just think it. You actually have to put pen to paper. Once you've put pen to paper, I want you to stick that somewhere where you can see it regularly. 

This is the first step in having that “pinch me moment” like I got to experience. I promise you, it’s worth it. 

If you need help with goal setting and the accountability to make them happen, I’d love to support you. All it takes is Simply You and I