Removing the overwhelm from goal setting

Do you find goal setting overwhelming? I hear this a lot when working 1 on 1 with clients. That feeling of “I don’t know where I want to be at the end of this year! Don’t ask me about 10 years’ time!”

And I know what you mean by that! You’re trying to remember what groceries you need to buy and what child needs to be at what after-school activity on what day of the week — how can you possibly think about everything you want to try and achieve between now and 2032!

But every time I break down goal setting a little further and ask people what success would look like in their business… there’s always some real gems that come out! 

Things like: 

  • “I want to hit $X in revenue before 2025.”

  • “I’d like to increase my average client spend by $X.”

  • “Me no longer having to work weekends would be a huge success!”

  • “My goal is to hire my first employee so I can work on the growth of the business instead of the day-to-day operations.”

These are all wonderful goals!

You see, goals don’t have to be these huge, seemingly-insurmountable challenges! They just need to be accomplishments that step us closer to our own version of success—and as I say all the time, success looks different for everyone. It’s meant to! 

Goal setting doesn’t need to be a solo pursuit, either! You can ask a mentor or biz bestie to help get you in the right headspace, or reach out to a business coach! (Hint: This stuff is my jam. Always happy to support you with goal setting and then creating an action plan to achieve them.)

Here are a few more resources on goal setting that might help: 

If you’d like to work together, you can learn more about my Simply You and I Coaching Sessions HERE