How to back yourself and stop making excuses.

In this podcast episode I delved deep into conquering the fear of failure in business. It's incredible how this topic resonated with so many of you! 

I wanted to take it a step further and tackle another crucial aspect: believing in yourself and overcoming those fears that hold you back.

Have you ever caught yourself saying, "It sounds great, but I'm not ready yet" or "Maybe in a year or two, I'll be in a better position"? This is a sentiment that many of us share. We often postpone taking action, thinking we're not quite at the right stage to invest in ourselves or our business. It's like pressing the pause button on our growth, waiting for the perfect moment. 

But let's break this down a little…

Think about it this way: in a year or two, that's a year or two of potential growth and progress lost. Waiting for the "perfect time" might mean missing out on valuable opportunities.

I can’t tell you how many women have joined my annual coaching programs, like THRIVE and Simply Business Accelerator after months, if not YEARS of deliberation. Without fail, from the first month of joining they tell me “I so wish I said yes to joining this sooner!”

It's not about waiting until everything is flawless. It's about seizing the chance to learn and evolve right now. 

One interesting insight I’ve noticed is that sometimes it's not just the fear of failure that can hinder progress—it's the fear of success itself. The idea of stepping into a bigger spotlight, managing more work, or even leading a team can be overwhelming. But remember, surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals can provide invaluable guidance and support. (Contact me if you want to learn more about my two group coaching programs. We can chat more.)

Here’s a few other things that typically hold us back: 

OVERWHELM. Feeling like you're drowning in tasks can paralyse progress. Instead of waiting for things to get easier, consider outsourcing and subtracting from your workload. Creating space allows room for growth and inspiration. 

PERFECTIONISM. Waiting for everything to be flawless before taking action might mean waiting forever. Progress over perfection is our mantra. Taking that initial step, imperfect as it may seem, can set off a chain reaction of growth and discovery.

INDECISION: What if you're unsure of your direction? That's perfectly normal. Sometimes, it takes movement to gain clarity. By engaging in personal and professional development, you're surrounding yourself with mentors and peers who've been where you are. Their insights can be invaluable in shaping your journey.

My hope for you is this…. Break free from the "not yet" mindset. 🌟 Let's face our fears and back ourselves.

And if you need help, you know I’m always here