Meet the Wheel of Life

Have you done the Wheel of Life exercise before?

It's an assessment tool frequently used by coaches to help you visualise all of the priority areas in your life and determine where you need (and want) to focus and invest more of your energy, as well as the areas you're feeling really happy and fulfilled.

What I love about the Wheel of Life is how easily you can adapt it to focus on different things. For example, I love to do this exercise for my business. I like to put all the different aspects of my business into the wheel and see if I can get the wheel to turn smoothly. If not, it’s a clear visual indication of where I need to jump in and fix some things.


You could do the same for fitness, your general health, the organisation of your house—its uses are truly endless. I first learnt how to do this from a workshop with Lorraine Murphy in 2016. Since then, I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve either used the wheel myself, or introduced someone else to it… as I’m doing here today.

It's also a really helpful exercise when it comes to goal setting, which is what we'll be using it for in Guilt Be Gone, my time management mini course that kicks off on Sunday!!

Which areas of your life do you feel you're doing really well in?

Which areas do you feel are being neglected?

Do you know the areas you need to attack and improve?

The wheel will reveal all!