Goal setting and achieving

What do you do with your goals once you’ve set them? Do you file them away somewhere in your diary and hope they come true? Or do you make an action plan of how you are going to make them happen?

I always like to have the goals I’m working towards in plain sight—and I mean that literally! I need to be able to SEE them in front of me daily.

I find too often when we just have lists of “to-dos” we lose sight of the big picture and what we’re ultimately trying to achieve. 

A really simple example of this is a goal I had of seeing or speaking to my nana each week. If I had that goal front and centre written at the top of my To-Do List, it triggered me to remember that priority and set aside time to spend with her. 

On a larger scale; take a goal of wanting to increase enrolments at my dance studio by 100 people. This involved plenty of smaller tasks on my To-Do List, such as posting on social media. And let’s be honest… this is a to-do that’s easy to skip past and not get back to! But when I could see that “increase enrolments by 100” goal front and centre, I was reminded that “small task” of posting to social media was actually a part of a much bigger plan and was important to get done; it had a real purpose!

This is SUCH a simple exercise, but one I found really valuable in helping me marry my goals up with what I was doing on a daily basis.

I’d encourage you to revisit the goals you’ve set for yourself and your business and ask yourself whether you’re taking daily steps towards achieving them… or have they been long forgotten? If so, try bringing those goals to the forefront again and see if their presence encourages you to pursue them more actively.