Guilt, overwhelm and burnout ...

I call these three things the downward spiral.

Many of us experience feelings of GUILT in our lives, especially when we become mothers. We feel guilty when we are at work because we think we should be at home with the kids. We feel guilty when we leave work at 3pm to pick up the kids and taxi them to their activities because our co-workers are staying until 5pm. 

Too much guilt can make you start to feel OVERWHELMED. You know that feeling of a Sunday afternoon when you start to get anxious about the week ahead? The, ‘I don’t know how I am going to get to Friday’ feeling… 

Feelings of guilt that lead to overwhelm—if not acted upon—lead me to BURNOUT. And if you’ve ever experienced burnout, you know just how debilitating it can be. On the outside you are ‘performing’ and putting on a brave face, but on the inside you are falling apart. 

This downward spiral spins and the feelings and triggers can pack on top of one another until you are not sure where to start getting out… or how you are ever going to get out. 

The key is to recognise the spiral as it is happening and before it reaches the point of burnout. Start to understand those niggles, the feelings of guilt, the starting the week overwhelmed, and know what to do to get yourself back on track. 

It took me many, many years to get systems in place to help break that feeling of overwhelm when I experience it, and I now spend a lot of my time helping other women implement those same tools in their lives. 

I’m teaching everything I know on this topic on the evenings of July 27 & 28 as part of Guilt Be Gone, my signature online Time Management Program.

If you feel like the first half of 2021 has got the better of you and you’ve been sensing feelings of guilt and overwhelm creeping in, this program is for you. 

In this online workshop you'll learn how to: 

  • Regain control of your week… and your life!

  • Remove the feelings of guilt, stress and chaos that are weighing on you.

  • Create and action a weekly schedule that brings you joy.

  • Use productivity hacks for maximum efficiency in your days.

  • Find time for the things that matter to you most. 

Sign-up is limited to just 12 attendees (and it has sold out the last two intakes, so don’t procrastinate!)