Do you know when you’ll next fill your cup?

Something that my mom used to say to me all the time was "Are you looking after yourself?".

And I want to ask you that same question now. Are you, in fact, looking after yourself? Do you actively make time to fill your cup and recharge? 

The idea of scheduling “me time” can feel a little counterintuitive to begin with, but let’s be honest; no one’s ever going to jump into our calendar or our life and say “Hey, it’s your time now. Go and take an hour to yourself.” Ha! If only! So if it’s not scheduled, it’s not going to happen. That’s just the reality. 

In case you haven’t already guessed this about me, I’m a big fan of scheduling! My Google Calendar is life. I wake up in the morning and everything I need to do and everywhere I need to be is all there in that one place. 

Whether you have a paper diary or a paper calendar, a whiteboard on the wall, or use your phone calendar—no matter your method of diarising, I encourage you to make yourself a schedule that includes time to recharge. 

An ideal schedule should have a balance of time spent between your work, your family AND yourself, because often those “filling up your cup” moments involve you getting time to yourself. 

For many of the early years of running my first business I was in a constant state of overwhelm and when it was suggested to me to schedule time to myself I think I legitimately yelled “You’re CRAZY. Don’t you know how busy I am. I’ve got things to do!” 

Honestly? It was really hard. I’m not going to sugarcoat it. It’s not just about setting the time aside, it’s about following through and actually doing it. I just thought that was not something that I could do. 

BUT… once I started to do it in small increments, it became something I looked forward to and wanted more of. The mental clarity, freedom, and contentment I experienced as I began to live out my ideal week with time to myself, instead of bouncing between work and the kids from woe to go, was life changing. 

And I want that for you too. 

If you haven’t yet been involved in my signature time management program, Guilt Be Gone, please join me for the upcoming training which takes place on the evening of July 27 and 28. This will be the last intake of the program for 2021. 

Over two nights via live, online training I’m going to help you design your ideal week and, most importantly, make a plan to ensure it actually happens. 

To every person reading this who knows how important it is to fill up your own cup, but is guilty of not doing it enough, this program is your first step.

Please, come and join me.