3 Productivity Hacks You Need

You might have heard me talk about some of my favourite time management techniques in the past, those being the Pomodoro Technique and Deep Work sessions. 

While these are excellent strategies for when you need to dive in and get good chunks of work done, there’s other tricks I turn to when it comes to trying to “win back” a few extra minutes in my day—ideally minutes that I can spend alone, in silence, with a hot cup of tea in mind hand! 😉

Here’s my Top 3 Productivity Hacks for you to try.

1. BATCHING: Whether it’s batching your work, social media content, kids lunches or dinner cooking, free up brain space by getting in the zone and doing a repetitive task multiple times at once, instead of stopping and starting it several times each week. 

2. USE THE POCKETS: Pockets of time, that is. Know when your brain is firing best and prioritise your most important / intensive / creative tasks for this time. All of the odd jobs, like returning phone calls, paying bills and filling out school forms are quick tasks that can be completed in the little pockets of time throughout your day, such as when you’re waiting for a meeting to start, sitting in the school pick-up line, on the sidelines of after-school activities or on the couch bingeing And Just Like That. 

3. CATCH THE DISTRACTIONS: Become aware of the common distractions you use when procrastinating. I know I’m guilty of scrolling social media and reading click-bait news articles that add absolutely no value to my life! Whenever I catch myself doing that, I try and redirect my attention to something more valuable — even if that’s 3 minutes of breathing to quieten the noise and refocus my mind. It’s amazing how focussed you can become by doing such a simple “reset’ in your day. 

Interested in more productivity hacks? I’ve got just the thing.

I’ve rounded up my favourite, game-changing tactics and templates that help me manage my 4 businesses and everyday life with 3 kids.

Whether you love a good productivity hack or are simply craving a way to feel more in control and on top of your schedule, these 10 Ways to Maximise Your Productivity will help.