My secret weapon for a successful day

I used to think “morning routines” were for celebrities or, at the very least, people without children. 

But friends, I’m now a person with a morning routine (and 3 children!) and this tiny piece of self care has been a game changer in supporting my physical and mental health and setting me up for success each day. 

And it all started with a sports bra. (We’ll get to the sports bra bit in a sec).

For me, self care begins in bed with taking three deep breaths while thinking about all the things I am grateful for. (Ali Garrison taught me this technique. She is full of incredible advice, especially for busy mums.) 

After the deep breaths comes The Sports Bra. 

In his book Atomic Habits, James Clear talks about not rising to the level of your goals but falling to the level of your systems. Putting on a sports bra is a system that works for me. 

As soon as I get out of bed, the sports bra is on. Now that I’ve gone to the trouble of putting this uncomfortable, hideous thing on, I’m not going to waste the opportunity to use it, even if it’s only for 10 minutes. 

With my sports bra on I head downstairs for my cup of tea in peace. Thankfully, we’ve reached this amazing stage where the older two kids, Lucinda and Patrick, are able to get their own breakfast and, together, they’re able to help Henry. #gamechanger. I take my cup of tea outside to enjoy some fresh air and silence for a few minutes before opening my phone to look at my calendar and get myself in the right headspace for what’s to come in the day ahead. 

I’ll then use that motivation (and the uncomfortable reminder of my sports bra) to get back upstairs and onto my Peloton for a quick workout. Getting the workout in before I do anything else means that the choices I make for the rest of the day follow suit. If I don’t put on that sports bra, then I don’t do the workout. And then I lack motivation and make terrible choices throughout the day, because, “Who cares! I didn’t exercise today anyway.” 

You're probably rolling your eyes thinking “Seriously Stace? You can’t pull it back together if you miss one workout?”. No, I can't. The day is a write off—at least as far as my eating habits are concerned. Am I going to have dessert? Absolutely. Am I going to have that snack that I probably shouldn't have? Yes, I am.

I’m telling you  — that sports bra is powerful! 

The reason for this overshare is that I want you to think about the sports bra-type things in your world; that if you make one good choice, the rest of the day has this awesome flow-on effect that is really positive for you and your lifestyle. 

If you are lacking motivation, if you feel like you’re not reaching towards your goals, if you’ve lost that start-of-the-year spirit…. Pick one system that you can bring back that might kick-start a great new habit that sets your days up for success. 

As James Clear says (seriously, read Atomic Habits, it’s great): “Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become.”