The 5 best things I did for myself in 2023

It’s the time of year where I love to look back and reflect on the really great things that have happened throughout my year, and I decided to break this reflection down into two categories: The best things I did for MYSELF, and the best things I did for my BUSINESS. 

Today I wanted to share with you the 5 best things I did for myself. Some of these look very business-focussed, if you just glance at the headline, but take a read and you’ll see why these are actually personal highlights of the year. 

1. Kicked a long-standing goal!

A goal of mine for a REALLY long time was to condense all of the templates, planning tools and worksheets I use in my private coaching sessions into a workbook that any business woman could benefit from to bring more order and less overwhelm to her life. To have finally made that happen and see other women using and benefiting from a book I made (which you can purchase here) brings me immense joy. 

2. Said yes to an opportunity that made me nervous

This opportunity I *almost* didn’t do. It involved a soul-filling trip to New Hampshire to be surrounded by incredible friends and women who are further ahead and more established than me in business. As the trip approached, ALL the imposter syndrome kicked in. What did I possibly have to contribute to this kick-ass bunch of women in business? Why did I think I deserved to be in that room? 

I can’t tell you how grateful I am that I told that self-sabotaging voice where to go, because that trip was so beneficial for my mindset, my heart, my direction in business, my goal setting—EVERYTHING. 

To be in a room listening to other women share their ideas, their challenges, and dreaming together is powerful. I soaked up all of the wisdom that was on offer. 

It's a reminder that sometimes, the most luxurious thing we can do for ourselves is to spend time with those who fill our hearts and minds. 

3. Had a difficult conversation I’d been avoiding

This was a conversation I had with my husband, Heath, that we’d been avoiding for 2-3 years now. It was about our own version of success (something I talk about with all of you a lot, ironically!). We’d both be thinking we were heading towards the same end goals, only to realise we were both chasing completely different things. And it would happen more often than we cared to admit. 

So we finally sat down and had a hard conversation where we laid it all out. And it wasn’t just one conversation. Instead it opened the door to so many more conversations and the result has been that instead of building up resentment about our differing (and uncommunicated!) ideas, we're finally in sync, with a solid plan that works for both of us, and for our whole family. 

Let this be a lesson: If you're putting off a big conversation, just dive in. It's like ripping off a Band-Aid – stings at first, but oh, it's so worth it.

4. Purchased a business and started 2 new ones

“How is this a personal highlight, Stacey?” (I know you’re thinking it.) Here’s why. I FINALLY trusted myself. 

I’m the kind of person who is always coming up with new business ideas, but in the past I would have tossed and turned on it for months before taking action—if I even did at all. 

This year I followed my gut and went for it, and it’s paid off in all 3 cases. It’s been really nice reassurance that my intuition is usually correct. 

That feeling of being able to trust yourself….. That’s absolutely a personal highlight. 

5. Restructured my week 

My week changes every year, but here’s how it worked in 2023. (It’s probably the best structure I’ve had yet!)

  • Mondays: Dedicated to working at the ballet school. 

  • Tuesdays: Henry Days! (My youngest)

  • Wednesdays: Packed with coaching calls. 

  • Thursdays: My 'choose your own adventure' days. No appointments, just me, my work, and the freedom to do it my way, whether in PJs or at a cafe, these days boosted my productivity like nothing else!

  • Fridays: Networking, lunches, and wrapping up the week - my tidy-up days. 

This structure brought so much joy, freedom and efficiency to my life this year—ESPECIALLY the Thursdays. 

Next year's going to be different with all the kids in school, but I'm excited for this new chapter! 

If you want a deeper dive on this conversation, take a listen to Episode #132 of How to Run a Successful Business (and still have a life!) right here

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