Do these 3 things before turning on your out of office

As the holiday season approaches, it's crucial to prepare for some well-deserved time off. 

If you're like me, you've probably been categorising your tasks into 'pre-Christmas' and 'post-Christmas' lists. I'm gearing up for a three-week break, and there are a few key things I'm focusing on to ensure a smooth transition. 

Here are the three steps I recommend:

  1. Do a Brain Dump: Clear your head by getting everything down on paper. This simple act can significantly reduce stress and help you categorise tasks into 'now' and 'later' lists. Remember, not everything needs to be done immediately. Prioritise what's essential for your business and customer experience, and leave the rest for January.

  2. Communicate Your Plan: It's vital to let your team, clients, and stakeholders know about your holiday plans. This includes setting expectations for your availability and response times. If you're planning to be completely off the grid, make sure everyone is aware and has a plan for any potential issues that might arise in your absence.

  3. Set Your Out of Office: Choose an approach that suits your style, whether formal or casual, and clearly outline when people can expect a response. If there's no one to contact during your absence, that's okay – just make sure it's communicated clearly.

Bonus Tip: Before you head off, take some time to tidy up your workspace. Coming back to a clean and organised desk can do wonders for your motivation and productivity.

Remember, taking a break is not only deserved but necessary. So, make sure to enjoy your time off, recharge, and come back ready to tackle the new year with fresh energy and ideas.

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a fantastic New Year. Enjoy the break! You’ve earned it.