The Ripple Effect

As women in business, we’re probably aware of the impact our actions have on our businesses… But what about the impact of our actions when it comes to our personal lives and all the people in it—including ourselves?
The wonderful women’s therapist Alli Garison talks about “The Ripple Effect'', where you imagine yourself as the epicenter of a pebble dropped into a calm pond. The ripples extend outward, touching every aspect of your existence—your business, your family, your relationships, and ultimately, the lives of others. 

Women often feel compelled to be superhuman multitaskers, constantly striving to excel in every role we play. Over time, however, I think we’ve all started to realise how utterly unsustainable and counterproductive this is, right? 

In this podcast episode, Alli talked with me about how critical it is to shift our perspective and acknowledge that we are at the core of everything we do, whether it's running a business, caring for our families, or pursuing our passions. When we are not feeling centred, grounded, whole —whatever that feeling is for you, we can’t possibly show up as the wife, mother, business owner, friend that we truly want to be. 

Understanding The Ripple Effect empowers us to prioritise our own well-being, both mentally and physically.

By nurturing our own growth, we’re able to create a solid foundation from which our businesses can thrive. It's not selfish; it's essential.

Alli is always reminding me that success is not solely measured by our achievements on paper, but by our overall health and fulfilment. As we develop ourselves and our self belief, we send ripples of strength, confidence, and inspiration into every aspect of our lives. When we believe in ourselves, we radiate that belief to our beautiful families, our teams, and our communities. 

Investing in my own self-confidence has created a ripple that touches not only my immediate circle but also goes out to my team and the people that I lead, and then it goes out into the world to our students and then it builds their confidence too. 

I now think completely differently about that old story I used to tell myself around self care being selfish. I now understand that when I do take that time for myself, the potential of that ripple is so much greater. 

I encourage you to take a moment and reflect on The Ripple Effect within your own life, and what you can do to nurture the impact of that ripple—by nurturing yourself.