Top 10 Podcast Episodes

This week I dropped the 120th episode of How to Run a Successful Business (and still have a life!) podcast. 

It had me going on a bit of a trip down memory lane and analysing some of the most-listened-to episodes since the show began. And then it also got me thinking… If you were only just discovering the show now, how would you know what episodes were worth listening to without going all the way back to the beginning?!

Instead of me being the judge of that, I thought I’d let my listeners do the talking. So here are the Top 10 Episodes of How to Run a Successful Business (and still have a life!) from the past 12 months.

  1. Attracting new customers ONLINE

  2. Get your finances in order. Let’s talk about money. (This was a 3-part series)

  3. Do the budget!

  4. Price for profit

  5. Got your calendar sorted. Now what?

  6. Attracting new customers OFFLINE

  7. When your side hustle is a side hustle no more

  8. Yes, your business is legit!

  9. What are you working towards? 

  10. Favourite Things Series (Any of them!) But let’s go with this week’s, as it’s the most relevant! 

I really love this assorted mix of episodes, because it perfectly encapsulates everything this podcast was designed to be about—sharing with you the tools to run a successful business so you can have more time for the things that really matter. 

If you are a regular listener of the show, I’d be so grateful if you could subscribe and leave me a review while you’re there. It helps more people discover the show so they, too, can learn how to run a successful business and still have a life!