How to overcome imposter syndrome

I’ve been teaching dance for a long time. Like, a really long time. I started teaching when I was just 12 years old and I still absolutely love everything about it. 

So you probably wouldn’t believe me if I told you I sometimes get Imposter Syndrome when I teach…. But it’s the truth. 

There are times when I find that I start looking sideways. I start looking at what some of the younger teachers are doing. I start looking at what some of my older teachers are doing and how good they are at their jobs. And I think, “What have I got to offer? Do I still have what it takes to engage these kids?” 

When this happens, I know I need to work on reframing my “negative nancy” mindset. I remind myself that I know exactly what I’m doing, I have what it takes, and I’m good at my job. 

The point is, I might be 5-businesses into my entrepreneurial journey, but ’m not immune to imposter syndrome! 

I do, however, know all of the things that trigger it. That negative self talk comes in when:

  • I’m tired

  • I'm not exercising

  • I'm eating rubbish

  • I'm overscheduling myself

  • I'm too busy

  • I'm not holding my boundaries.

These ☝️become all of the things I need to pay attention to if I’m to get back into my positive mindset, because that positive mindset is filled with everything I LOVE about owning my own business(es). 

If you find yourself struggling with imposter syndrome, I encourage you to think about the things that you need to do in order to cultivate that positive mindset. Make a habit of including or focussing on those things in your day-to-day life—not just focussing on them when imposter syndrome strikes!