What is your definition of success

A good friend once said to me "Do whatever it takes to make your head a really nice place to live.

I didn't really understand it at the time, but the older that I've got and the more I've grown and the more that I see my kids growing, I find that to be so relevant and so important. 

It’s the reason I’m so passionate about the topic of defining your own version of success—It enables you to ensure your head is, indeed, a really nice place to live the majority of the time. 

Success for me is based around three pillars of time, energy and money, and deciding how I want to use these pillars to help me create the lifestyle that I desire for myself and my family. 

(Follow the hyperlinks above for a deeper dive on each of these three pillars.)

There’s no right or wrong when it comes to how you want to spend your time, money or energy. This is your version of success. It's not for anyone else to judge. It’s a way for you to be able to make decisions that guide you towards the life that you want to lead, and ensure your head is that enjoyable place to live! 

Living by your own definition of success doesn’t always come easy, though. It involves being really true to yourself, making big and bold choices, being brave, being willing to step outside your comfort zone, and block out the noise and opinion of others. But it will always be worth it. 

My challenge to you is this: Start thinking about what success looks like for you. How would you like to spend your time, money and energy, and what changes might you need to make to begin turning that into your reality?